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St.Christopher School (Senior School)
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St.Christopher School (Senior School)

Operational Hours

Sunday : 7:30 AM To 2:30 PM || Monday : 7:30 AM To 2:30 PM || Tuesday : 7:30 AM To 2:30 PM || Wednesday : 7:30 AM To 2:30 PM || Thursday : 7:30 AM To 2:30 PM || Friday : Day Off || Saturday : Day Off


Age range of students 5 - 18 years
Grades (e.g. 1 to 12) Primary
1 - 6
7 - 9
10 - 13
Number of Students Boys 934 Girls 904 Total 1838
Students' social/economic background The majority are from expatriate professional families,
characterized as having middle to upper socio-economic
Number of Administrative Staff 127
Number of Teaching Staff 183
Curriculum British
Main language(s) of instruction English
External assessment and examinations Standard Assessment Tests (SATS).

General Certificate of Secondary Education (GCSE).

International General Certificate of Secondary Education (IGCSE). General Certificate of Education (GCE Advanced Level).

International Baccalaureate Diploma (IB)

Established in a villa in 1961, St Christopher's School Bahrain has been providing an exceptional education for over 2,300 children and young adults from across the globe.

At St Christopher's School, Bahrain our mission is to provide an Education for a Shared Humanity. To ensure all our students will become Role Models for the World possessing the strength of intellect and character to take responsibility for their actions and contribute meaningfully to our global society.

We value all members of the St Christopher’s community, upholding the core values of caring, honesty and mutual respect, as well as, instilling the St Christopher’s 6C’s in all our students, Compassion, Confidence, Commitment, Courage, Creativity and Curiosity.

Learning to Engage, Engaging to Learn

The St Christopher’s community relentlessly model all of the school's Missions, Visions and Values as well as our Foundations of Learning so that our young people become competent individuals, autonomous learners and global citizens.

Foundations of Learning

Learning to Know

The basic knowledge and facts stemming from academic and pastoral curricular, extracurricular work and projects.

Learning to Do

General cognitive and physical skills needed to apply and communicate knowledge and facts to achieve academic and occupational competence and success. The ability to effectively process information.

Learning to be a Person

Developing attitudes, skills and moral, ethical and spiritual values, needed to understand oneself and one’s world; to communicate effectively with others and to achieve happiness and success.

Developing appropriate self-autonomy, healthy self-esteem, self-efficacy leading to sound judgment and a sense of personal responsibility.

Learning to Live in a Diverse World

Learning to be an effective global citizen.  Developing understanding, empathy and respect for other people, their cultures and values and a positive appreciation of differences and similarities between people.

Developing an appreciation of the interdependence of humans.

Developing an understanding of the symbiotic relationship between humankind and planet earth leading to an action-orientation stance to the need to protect and heal the physical and biological environment.

Learning to Learn

Developing knowledge, skills and attitudes to enable a person to learn effectively and efficiently at all times.

Developing intellectual entrepreneurship - the ability to synthesize new knowledge or novel solutions from what is already known in a world where the amount of human knowledge is increasing exponentially.

Developing a curiosity and the disposition to continue to learn throughout life.

Admission Process

The Admissions Officers are based at the Infant/Junior School campus in Saar. Please contact the Admissions Team by phone or e-mail, to raise any questions that you might have; to make an appointment to discuss your admissions requirements or to arrange a tour of the school.

Admissions Officer - Senior School

Jo Atkinson

+973 1760 5050

Admissions Officer - Infant & Junior

Nadia Al-Shehab

+973 1760 5050


St Christopher's School is a not-for-profit organization. This means it has no owners or shareholders making money from the School. All fee income is used to operate the School and any surpluses are applied to school development.

The School is governed by a Board of Governors. Board members, under the School’s constitution, may not hold any paid position in the School and receive no compensation for work they do for St Christopher’s.

It is very important that parents understand that tuition and other fees rise as children move up through the School. For example, Senior School fees are very significantly greater than those for younger children. Fees also increase regularly due to increased running costs.

Over the last 15 years or so the average rise has been about 4% per year. In the future, it is likely that in some years increases will be above this level, but in others, they may be lower. No guarantee can be given as to the year-to-year increase or the average increase over time. Parents are most strongly advised to bear this factor in mind when they enroll children in the School.

Infant School Fees

Year Group Fees per Term Fees per Annum
(BD) (BD)
Nursery 1,046 3,138
Reception 1,369 4,107
Year 1 1,369 4,107
Year 2 1,369 4,107

Junior School Fees

Year Group Fees per Term Fees per Annum
(BD) (BD)
Year 3 1,522 4,566
Year 4 1,522 4,566
Year 5 1,522 4,566
Year 6 1,522 4,566

Senior School Fees

Year Group Fees per Term Fees per Annum
(BD) (BD)
Year 7 1,854 5,562
Year 8 1,854 5,562
Year 9 2,229 6,687
Year 10 2,229 6,687
Year 11 2,229 6,687
Year 12 2,554 7,662
Year 13 2,554 7,662

Application charge (for each student application) - BD 100 per child

Registration charge (for each student) - BD 1,250 per child

Note 1: Fees are approved by the Ministry of Education

Note 2: Other fees are payable in individual cases. These include GCSE, GCE Advanced Level and IB examination entry fees, optional Instrumental Tuition, EAL (specifically Infant School children) and optional out-of-hours lessons for certain students. Fees for these and any other individual cases will be notified separately.

Payment of tuition fees

All fees must be paid in accordance with the invoice on or before the last day of the previous term.

Invoices for the term’s fees are generally issued in the week following the previous half term (i.e. the half term holiday or the mid-term point as indicated in the School calendar).  Except where a Company Block Billing arrangement has been agreed with the School, it is the parent’s responsibility to arrange for the settlement of the invoice by the payment due date. Should any parent not receive an invoice a week later than half term, then the Accounts Office should be contacted and a duplicate invoice obtained. Either misplacement or non-receipt of the original invoice or late submission of an invoice to an employer for settlement will not be considered a valid reason for failure to pay the fees by the due date.

Failure to pay the fees by the last day of the preceding term (or invoice due date) may cause the School to exclude a child and others from the same family from School until payment is made in full.  With respect to persistent late payers, the School reserves the right, without giving notice to the parent, to cancel the places allocated to the family, and additionally, offer them to new children waiting for places at the School.

When unforeseen and pressing circumstances result in the child having to leave before the start of the new term, a full refund of fees will be made so long as the School has been given notice two full weeks before the beginning of term.

Fees for the term are payable in full regardless of sickness or absence for other reasons (including study leave). No refund will be given except in the circumstances outlined in 4) above.  If a child is scheduled to join the School after the mid-term point, the registration fee and half the term’s tuition fee will be payable.

Method of payment of tuition fees

Payment may be made by direct bank transfer, cheque or by cash at our Accounts Office at the Saar Campus. Bank transfer payments may be made at any AUB branch in Bahrain in accordance with the instructions on the invoice. Related bank charges are the responsibility of the remitter.

Other fees

Other fees are payable in individual cases. These include GCSE, A-Level and International Baccalaureate examination entry fees, optional Instrumental Tuition, English as an Additional Language (specific Infant School pupils) and optional, out-of-hours lessons for certain pupils.  Fees for these and arrangements for payment will be notified separately.

Please note that total GCSE, A-level and IB fees can amount to several hundred Bahrain Dinars. Entry into examinations and activities for which fees are due will be denied where these have not been paid.


  • Arabic Studies
  • Islamic Studies
  • Art
  • Design and Technology
  • Drama
  • English
  • French
  • Humanities
  • ICT
  • Mathematics
  • Music
  • Physical Education
  • Religious Education
  • Science


Our uniform was designed jointly by St Christopher’s and Zaks. The materials, colours and trims were carefully selected; indeed some of the fabrics are unique to St Chris and have been woven especially for us.

It is important to preserve the excellent appearance of the uniform and to have consistency across the school. To help ensure this, our preferred and the designated supplier is Zaks: only they can guarantee that the uniform matches the required specification.

The only exceptions to this are shoes, socks and tights, which may easily be purchased from other retailers – although Zaks are able to provide assistance with some of these items as well.


Contact Information

St Christopher's School Bahrain, Muharraq Avenue, Isa Town, Southern Governorate, 000, Bahrain

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Member since 11 months ago
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